Fable 2 Gambling Debt


Easy 'Cliff Diver' achievement

When you first arrive in Rookridge and reach the broken bridge, jump when prompted to and immediately hold LT to look at the three bandits. When you think you are just about to hit the water, release LT. If timed correctly, you will unlock the 'Cliff Diver' achievement.

I've unlocked a bunch of items but I've managed to rack up 130k debt in the fable pub games, I've tried gambling my way out of debt but it doesn't work. At one point I gambled my way out of 90k. Hey guys, so yeah my ex husband distoryed my house, stolen nearly everything and took my favourite games fable 2 and 3 ( he doesnt even like them, he just knew it would piss me off) all i have is my laptop and i am bored of playing fable Anniversary. As i have Zero Dollar i cant get a new xbox360 even tho the games are so cheap and 50 pounds for a preowned 360 is alot of money to me. I'm up 300k, no debt, with only having tried using the glitch briefly. Oh, and by the way, I got all 15 unique items as well. Edit: I don't understand how you people can get into debt at all, to be frank - Maybe you're just not used to gambling, or finding your own rhytm/system. I've seen everyone complain that they easily get into debt.

Fable 2 gambling debt statute of limitations

Easy end game achievements

At the end of the game when you are back in the Spire to get yourrevenge against Lucien, make sure that you save and continue the game.Once done, face and kill Lucien. Select one of the three choicesTheresea presents you with. After you unlock the achievement,immediately reset and restart the Xbox 360. Choose to continue the gameto get the next achievement until all three have been selected andunlocked. You can reset the Xbox 360 a fourth time to select the choiceyou really wanted to begin with afterwards.

Unlimited gold

Fable 2 Gambling Debt Statute Of Limitations

  • When playing the game for the first time you may be prompted toupdate it with an online download. Do not accept this download andcontinue to play the game. This trick must be done with an unpatchedgame. When you reach Bowerstone Market, do not walk to the clock tower.Instead, do the Blacksmith job until you have a decent amount of gold(15,000 to 20,000 gold recommended). Quit the job and buy only thecheap houses in Bowestone market or Bowerstone slums. Rent out thosehouses with 0% added to rent. Once done, save and quit the game. Goback to your Xbox 360 Dashboard when offline. Go to your systemsettings and set the date to thirty days or one month later. Start thegame again. Select the appropriate saved game file and continue. Afterthe game resumes, you should receive a very large sum of gold fromrent. Continue to buy and rent out more houses and set the system timeone month ahead until you have about 4 million gold. You can now buyall properties in Albion and eventually unlock the 'Ruler Of Albion'achievement.
  • Buy some real estate in game, such as a food vendor stall or ahouse. Once the real estate is purchased, adjust the rent/profits priceto 100% of their default by clicking on the property paper on the sideof the property. Save the game once the price has been raised. If youare connected to Xbox Live, disconnect as that will automaticallyupdate the clock and date. Exit out to the Xbox 360 dashboard andaccess the clock. Adjust the date and time. For best results, adjustthe clock as far ahead in time as possible. For example, if the savedgame date is June 1, 2005 and 12:15 a.m., adjust the clock to December31, 2025, and 11:59 p.m. Then, reload the game and select 'Continue'.Once the game loads, wait a few seconds. You will see a large lump sumsuddenly appear over your character's head. This is the money that youhave accumulated in your 'absence' from playing the game. Save thegame. If you have Xbox Live, the easiest way to repeat this is to signonto the service. Once the clock automatically resets to the correcttime, save the game, quit, and repeat the trick. This works because thegame gives you gold every five minutes in real time whether or not youare playing the game or have it turned off.
  • Note: This trick requires the full download of Fable 2 Pub Games.Play that game until you have an extremely high debt (any amount, butyou can only do this trick once so a very high number is recommended).Then, start Fable 2. This trick must be done with an unpatchedgame; do not accept any online updates. Go to the Bowerstone townsquare and make enough gold to buy the cow and Corset Inn (for example,by blacksmithing). After you buy the inn, go into Fable 2 Pub Games and merge your Fable 2 character with the character that has the extremely high debt. Save the game, then return to Fable 2. You should gain all the money you owe in debt as gold because you now own the inn that one of the game masters is in.
    Phil Castracucco

Unlimited experience

  • When playing the game for the first time you may be prompted toupdate it with an online download. Do not accept this download andcontinue to play the game. This trick must be done with an unpatchedgame. When you reach Oakfield and have at least 5,000 gold, buy thevery first house you see once you enter the zone. It should have a Woodchopping job nearby. Once you buy and own this house, sleep in the bed.Notice that you now have a speed bonus. Press Start and go into your 'Skills' menu. Go to 'Skill' and notice 'Speed' has one Star. Press Y, A(2)and notice that you have removed experience from Speed into Generalexperience, but the star remains. Keep doing this until you have enoughfor Rank 2, then Rank 3, and finally Rank 4. Finally, proceed to dothis until you have enough General experience to buy out all theskills, strength, and will skills. You will now be maxed out oneverything.
  • Go to the Temple of Light. Perform the 'Unlimited Gold' glitchthat requires the system date and time being set ahead. Get a fewmillion gold. Then, donate all your gold. Afterwards you will noticesome green General Experience around the donation pedestal. Use RTto gather it up. You should get a few thousand experience points,depending on if you donated a few thousand gold or a few million.
  • After your character has leveled up a few times, insert asecond controller and begin a Co-op mode game without using a secondprofile. Go to your henchman's abilities on controller two. Remove allof the abilities to return the experience to the pool. Quit the Co-opmode game. The extra experience from the pool will be transferred toyour character. Repeat this as many times as desired.

Unlimited Rising Sun Cleaver legendary weapon

After you complete the 'Donate to the Temple of Light' quest andreceive the Rising Sun Legendary Cleaver, leave the temple and go backtowards Oakfield. When you get to the split in the path where you cango over the small bridge to the right to travel to Oakfield, stay leftand follow the path up the small hill towards the ruins at the top ofthe hill. When you get to the ruins, to the left is the entrance to theWellspring Cave. Enter the cave then turn around and leave. When youget done loading the outside, you will receive another Rising Sun. Dothis as many times as desired for money or to be used as gifts.

Space heads

Have either level 4 or 5 Time Stop. Note: Lower levels might work,but not give the same result. Also have the ability to do head shots.Use Time Stop then headshot a villager. Their head will be float inmid-air for a short time. Quickly go over and run into it. The head flyoff in a single direction without falling until Time Stop ends. WhenTime Stop ends, the head will fall back to the ground.

Permanent Shadow Creature villagers

Note:This may require a few attempts. Take some villagers to theTemple Of Shadows to sacrifice them. After you have pulled the lever,quickly turn off Safety mode. If you are lucky, you will get ShadowCreature as a sacrifice. Quickly kill the villagers before theydisappear. They will remain there as Shadow Creatures and notdisappear. Their body will continue to smoke as a Shadow Creature.

Missing spouse

When returning from the Tattered Spire, if you go to see yourhusband or wife before going to Hammer your spouse will no longerappear in your marital home, but still take his or her daily allowance.To fix this, invest all or as much of your gold as possible into realestate (so you can get it back), leaving you with as little aspossible. Keep sleeping (works best at seven days) until you are broke,and your spouse is unhappy is going to leave you. Return to yourmarital home and your spouse should have reappeared.
James Dezelich

Broken storyline

Note: The following glitch has been fixed with an online patch.However, it is still possible to encounter this problem during gameplay with an unpatched game. Go to Oakfield to speak to the Abbot. Hewill tell you he wants someone who is more famous. Do not leave theTemple or skip the conversation until the Abbot finishes talking. Ifyou do, the Abbot will not give you the information to start the quest'A Bridge Too Far', and the person you need to meet to start the questwill not appear. The Abbot will no longer give you any information. Ifthis happens in an unpatched game, you must restart your game. There isno more story progression from this point on if you encountered thisglitch.
James Dezelich


Space Head
Jan 14, 2008
Reaction score

Fable 2 Gambling Debt Definition

Keystone: GUaranteed profit
Hey all, First off I would like you all to post your pub games techniques, because I kinda suck. Secondly, I have a little Money making technique. If your playing keystone in normal play, place a bet on all the outside stones, and every round place a bet on 4-9, keystone and 12-17. You will slowly make a profit no matter what! But, if you knock out 10 and eleven before you earn anything then you lose quite a bit. Also In the tournament, if you bet large on 10 and eleven and bet 4-9, keystone and 12-17 every round and whatever other numbers you wish you will make a larger profit. I personally do the 10, 11, 7 and 16 twice, I win every game in the tournies, but somehow I come out third. I dont get it.