Life After Quitting Gambling


Dr Henrietta Bowden-Jones, who set up the NHS National Problem Gambling Clinic in London in 2008, also told Guardian Money society needs to recognise gambling is a fully fledged addiction rather. Quit gambling, get into recovery and the rewards will naturally come. It won't happen overnight but stick with it and I PROMISE that life gets better.Thanks. There is a common perception that one can simply quit at any time. Many people still consider gambling addiction to be primarily a financial problem and don’t understand that deep and profound control that it can have over a person. Compulsive gambling can be an addiction, just as real and powerful as a serious drug addiction.

Life After Quitting Gambling Addiction

Gambling addiction has similar rates: About 50% to 75% of gamblers resume gambling after attempting to quit, according to the National Center for Responsible Gambling. What’s most important to understand is that recovery is a lifelong healing process and relapse is a sign that you need to re-evaluate and modify your strategy. A life ruined by gambling is not a great life. You will have a lot of pieces to pick up. It will take time from you, as well as money, in addition to robbing you of all of the joy that you have in your life. Gambling addiction is a horrible silent addiction that can become progressively worse.

Life After Quitting Gambling

Life After Quitting Gambling Losses

06-06-2011, 02:39 AM

Life After Quitting Gambling Advice

I am and will always be a compulsive gambler, which to me means i can never, ever gamblei n a controlled, disciplined way like normal people do. Even before i became a compulsive gambler i was a selfish, self centered, jealous , wanted to be rich , greedy , lying to impress people, getting angry easily . I had a big ego and thought i am so smart i will get rich without sweating and hard work others do . During gambling my character defects magnified. I lied , cheated, stole to get money to gamble which was lost with in few days. This in turn lead to self hatred and guilt. I was always tense, angry and didnt want to get out of bed if i couldnt gamble that day. i had lost all intrest in sports, music , reading , world affairs, never laughed. I not only lost lots of my own , borrowed and stolen money ---i lost all my friends , relatives , my health was going down the tubes , i didnt eat well , didnt sleep well, didnt excercise , didnt see doctors or dentist even when i needed , neglected work ---. During my long gambling years i was so possessed by money -nothing else mattered ---i thought i had a financial problem --- never thought i had a gambling problem which caused a financial problem----I was really living a very miserable life ---once i hadnt eaten for a day , sold my blood to have a meal, and then lost that money gambling---- I finally came to GA almost 12 yrs ago and the warmth and friendship i recieved after telling them what all awful things i had done --made me cry and changed my life forever --- Although i have been lost my abstinence few times i have always returned back to GA -- over the years in GA lots of changes have taken place in me . I have realised its impossible for a compulisive gambler to win money and pay debts by it for good . Only way to pay back debts is earning and paying back little by ittle. I dont lie , cheat or steal anymore . I see movies, see my denist ,docs regularly , new wardrobe every so often --, i was promoted at work , have gotten most of my friends and relatives and some new ones too---relationships are built on honesty and trust --, i even donate to charities . All these good things and working on GA's 12 steps have wiped off self hatred and guilt which used to torment me ---i have only recently learned not to get angry at other peoples words or actions--- It may sound crazy but i am much better person now than i was before i became a compulsive gambler--I go to 1or 2 meetings a week and have come this UK chat room 4-5 times a day every day for last 86 days --- i was born on this planet , went to hell and now i am in heaven ---only God and me knows how happy and healthy i am . Thanks to this chat room and GA