Roulette How To Predict Where The Ball Will Land


You may think roulette computers are always sophisticated pieces of hardware. In actual fact, most are very simplistic, although people that sell them want to you believe it is space-age technology. Here I will explain the simplest possible roulette computer algorithm, and it is used by almost every roulette computer.

  1. Get The Edge At Roulette How To Predict Where The Ball Will Land Christopher Pawlicki
  2. Roulette How To Predict Where The Ball Will Land Cruiser

Understanding What Makes Roulette Beatable

  • A roulette wheel in the U.S. Contains 38 equally sized spaces. The wheel is spun and a ball randomly lands in one of these spaces. Two spaces are green and have numbers 0 and 00 on them. The other spaces are numbered from 1 to 36. Half of these remaining spaces are red and half of them are black.
  • It's also possible to track how many times the wheel has spun and what part of it the ball is likely to hit when it first rolls onto it. At that point, the ball bounces around the wheel, but even.
  • There are many gambling books around, especially on roulette. Often they come with very attractive titles, such as 'Predict where the ball will land'. This book is rather about how difficult, if not impossible, it is to make any serious predictions, at best well calculated guesses.

First we'll need to identify various parts of the wheel so you know what I'm talking about:

Aug 23, 2016 In a game of roulette, the croupier spins a wheel in one direction and a ball in the other direction. Players then place bets on where the ball will land by choosing either a single number, a range.

Ball track: where the ball rolls

Rotor: the spinning part of the wheel where the numbers are

Pockets: where the ball comes to rest

Clocking: simply another word for 'take timings of'. ie if you 'clock' the rotor or ball, you are simply clicking buttons to take timings of revolutions.

What Happens During a Spin

When the ball is released, it gradually slows down, loses momentum and falls from the ball track. Sometimes the ball hits a metal deflector (diamond) and falls without much bounce. Sometimes it bounces everywhere. Sometimes there is still a fair bit of ball bounce. And while you can never predict exactly where the ball will fall, YOU DONT NEED TO. You need only to predict roughly where the ball will fall with enough accuracy to overcome the casino's slight edge against you (house edge). For some wheels, this is very easily done. For other wheels, it is much more difficult.

Here are some of the principles that are typically used to predict where the ball will land with professional roulette prediction techniques:

Dominant Diamonds

On most wheels, the ball will tend to hit a specific diamond more frequently than others. You can check this for yourself at your local casino by creating a chart like the one shown left. At the very least, you will find there are some diamonds that the ball almost never hits, or perhaps some areas where the ball almost never falls from the ball track. This is not random, and inevitably leads to more predictable spin results.

Now that we know WHERE the ball will fall at least an inordinate amount of times, what if we knew what number was under this area WHEN the ball fell? This is easy to determine, and I'll explain how later.

Consistent Ball Timings

You may think that when the ball is released, the timings of each revolution is random. The reality is especially the last few ball revolutions of the ball occur with much the same ball timings. The right chart shows the revolution timings for the last few revolutions of the ball on three different spins. You can see they are all very similar. The very bottom row shows the sum of all timings from these last seven ball revolutions. The greatest deviation in timings is no less than 300ms (0.3 seconds).

This means that if we knew when the ball timing (speed) was about 1350ms per revolution (about 1.3s per revolution), then we'd know the ball has about 12,500ms (12.5s) before it likely hits the dominant diamond and falls. Again of course this wont happen every time. It only needs to happen enough of the time.

Do you need to know the precise ball speed to know when there are 7 ball revolutions remaining? NO, you can virtually guess when there are roughly 7 revolutions remaining. Do you need to know exactly how many milliseconds are remaining? NO, because the ball revolution timings for the last few revolutions are much the same. This means finding which number will be under the diamond when the ball hits it is very easy to determine. This is a critical to understand.

Ball Scatter

Ball scatter is basically ball bounce. Sometimes the ball will miss all diamonds. Sometimes it hits a different diamond to usual. But a lot of the time, the ball will hit the dominant diamond, then bounce roughly 9 pockets along before coming to rest. There is a lot more to it in reality, but from a simplistic perspective, this is scatter.

If you check your local casino's wheels and compare where the ball first touches the rotor to its final restring place, you will see the ball bounce is usually still quite predictable over 15-30 or so spins. How we apply this knowledge is explained later.

Visual Ballistics

So far we know that on many wheels, the ball will mostly fall in the same region (dominant diamond), then mostly bounce 9 or so pockets. On many wheels we can actually skip the step where we consider how far the ball bounces after it hits the dominant diamond. This is because there is a more direct approach as explained below:

If you had a method to determine when the ball is about 1300ms (1.3s) per revolution, at that precise moment, you could look at the number under the reference diamond and write it down. Then wait for the ball to fall and come to rest. This will leave you with a first and second number like 'A,B'. For example say you got 0,21. This will tell you that the ball landed 5 pockets clockwise of your initial 'reference' number. See the left image for reference.

This tells us that starting from our REFERENCE NUMBER (A), the ball has about 12.5 seconds left before it hits the dominant diamond and bounces about 9 pockets, and ends up about +5 pockets from the reference number. Where the ball comes to rest is the WINNING NUMBER (B).

You may need to read this a few times, but the concept is very simple. Also see the video below which explains the concept too.

What I've explained above is a very simple method of beating roulette, or more like the science behind a method called 'visual ballistics'. The key component of any visual ballistics method is how you determine when the ball is at the targeted speed. Because when you have identified that target speed, you will know the ball has the same ball revolutions left before it falls and bounces however many pockets.

Can you virtually GUESS when the ball has 1 revolution remaining? How about 2 or 3 revolutions remaining? How about 5 or 6? It really is not at all difficult. If you can be accurate to within 1 ball revolution, then you can achieve exactly the same accuracy as most roulette computers without needing any device. Remember, you don't need to measure accuracy to within 5ms, 20ms or even 100ms because you are only determining how ball ball revolutions are remaining, and this automatically tells you the remaining ball travel time. You can be very sloppy and still be correct most of the time. And that's as accurate as you need to be to equal the accuracy as most roulette computers.

In a follow-up video I'll release soon, I'll teach you a method that can accurately tell you how many ball revolutions are remaining. And you will achieve the same accuracy as almost every roulette computer.

Roulette how to predict where the ball will land every

The Basic Roulette Computer Algorithm

This is what most roulette computer sellers don't want you to know. If you understand all of the above, you'd see how incredibly simple it all is. You'd also understand how you can afford to be very sloppy, and can just about guess how many revolutions are remaining and you'll still very accurately determine how many milliseconds are left before the ball falls. It is essential to note that ALL roulette computers use the above principles. You can look at the demonstration videos of basic roulette computers, and use basic visual ballistics to achieve almost exactly the same accuracy - without even using any electronic device. But because sellers want to make their products seem more competitive and exclusive, they'll tell you their devices are highly sophisticated with unparalleled accuracy.

Visual ballistics vs a Basic Roulette Computer

The main difference between typical visual ballistics and a basic roulette computer is that roulette computers are EASIER to use. There is no difference in accuracy between a skilled visual ballistic and computer player. Why? Because they both do exactly the same thing. They both just estimate when there are 7 or so ball revolutions remaining. They both 'tune' by looking at how far the actual winning number is from the reference number, then making a simple adjustment.

Roulette how to predict where the ball will landslide

How Basic Roulette Computers Work

First the player finds a wheel where the ball mostly hits a particular diamond. Most wheels are like this. There are a few other basic procedures to evaluate a wheel, but this is just a simplified example. The player can create a small diagram l.ike the one shown left.

To use the computer, the player waits for the ball to be released then clicks a hidden button each time the ball passes a particular reference point (such as a diamond / metal deflector). This determines the timing of ball revolutions.

The player keeps clicking the hidden button until the time interval between clicks passes a certain threshold - this is when the ball is at a specific speed. When this threshold is passsed, the computer will vibrate at which time the player notes which number is under the reference diamond. Let's say it was number 32 (number A). This is an un-tuned prediction so we call it the RAW prediction. Then the player waits for the ball to fall and come to rest in a pocket. Let's say the winning number is 6 (number B). If we look at the distance between each number (A and B) in the chart left, we see this is +9 pockets (9 pockets clockwise) from the first to the second number.

It is important to understand that when the computer vibrates, this is telling the player that the ball has reached a target speed. And from this point, even on different spins, the ball will complete mostly the same number of revolutions before it likely hits the dominant diamond then falls.

Roulette How To Predict Where The Ball Will Land

The player repeat this process for 30-60 spins and add each jump value to a chart like the one shown left. After enough spins, we will find that certain areas of this chart have groupings of high bars (called 'peaks').

In the chart shown left, the peak is at about +10 pockets. This means for the player to win, they need to place bets around +10 pockets from the 'raw prediction' (Number 'A').

To Simplify

Roulette how to predict where the ball will land of the south

The player just keeps clicking a button until the interval between clicks is the say greater than 1,000ms (1 second). When this happens, the computer vibrates to inform the player the target ball speed is reached. From that point, the ball will mostly complete 5 or so revolutions before it hits the dominant diamond then bounces much the same distance.

To know where to bet each spin, the player notes the number under the reference diamond when the vibration is felt, then compares how far the ball actually lands from this original number. Then to know where to bet, the player just makes the adjustment on each spin.

Sounds simple enough? Almost every roulette computer you will find for sale will do only the very basics as explained above. It was all you needed 50 years ago, but beating modern wheels in modern casinos is far more complex.

Common Visual Ballistics Deception

Get The Edge At Roulette How To Predict Where The Ball Will Land Christopher Pawlicki

Some sellers of visual ballistic methods will charge you thousands of dollars to learn visual ballistics methods you have learned here for free. Before you paid them, they would have told you that the method they teach is the best. But the truth is visual ballistic methods are all very similar. They all use exactly the same principles. Certainly some visual ballistic methods are overall better than others, but the differences are not often significant. One exception is if the method relies on a consistent rotor speed for accuracy to be achieved. For example, one individual claims his visual ballistics method is best because it enables you to obtain a visual ballistics prediction when the ball is at any speed. This may sound great, and he lures in uninformed people. But the reality is the method relies on the player having an unrealistic top-view of the wheel, god-like skill, and a rotor speed that is almost identical on all spins. The reality is such a methods cannot be applied in real casino conditions. Even slight variations in rotor speeds alone eliminate accuracy. On the other hand, one of his competitors who he unjustly attacks teaches a far better method that doesn't require consistent rotor speeds. So you need to be very careful about who you believe, or rather understand the principles for yourself, so you understand what is feasible.

NASA's roulette computer, or snake oil?

Roulette computers that you can buy typically range from $500 - $5000, yet most do exactly the same thing. How is the price difference justified? IT ISN'T. Don't just take my word for it. So you know this for yourself, try using visual ballistics on their demonstration videos, and you'll achieve the same accuracy without even using a roulette computer. Remember that no matter what a vendor tells you, you can easily expose nonsense with careful testing and research of your own. If you prefer to just take other people's word for it, don't expect to know the truth.

Of course every merchant is expected to promote their product, and it is common for merchants to stretch the truth about their products. However, the gambling industry has far more deception and false advertising in it than any other area of business I've ever known. It seems every roulette computer seller wants you to believe their device is space-age technology that cannot be obtained anywhere else. But the reality is almost every roulette computer uses the same basic algorithm explained on this page, and the accuracy differences between them are virtually negligible. Don't let technical talk and fancy charts fool you. When you break it all down, you are left with a salesman trying to sell a basic computer that is no better than visual ballistics.

The simplest roulette computer I offer is called the 'Basic roulette computer'. No fancy names. It is just a basic roulette computer using the basic design described above. It is FREE to my roulette system players because it realistically can beat only perhaps 5% of wheels, and still the accuracy is nowhere what could be achieved. Other device sellers sell comparable devices with exactly the same accuracy for between $500 - $5,000. Again, the price differences are not justified. I distribute this device for FREE. You can achieve exactly the same accuracy with basic visual ballistics methods. Alternatively you could buy a device for $2000 that does exactly the same thing, except the vendor blatantly lies and claims it does much more, and is the most accurate device available anywhere.

The various roulette computers I offer are compared to devices from other vendors at the roulette computer comparison page. There you can better understand the difference between a simplistic device that can only beat easily beaten wheels, and a device that squeezes every last bit of predictability from a roulette wheel while making application practical, covert and easy.

If you ask many people who play roulette, they will swear that there are clear trends that surface during a typical game of roulette. While this is a common perception, however, it is also one that has led to the downfall of many an aspiring roulette player. 2 scientists reckon that you can beat the roulette wheel with Chaos Theory, but you’ll need some sophisticated technology and deep pockets. Let’s get back to trends, the opposite of chaos theory!

This belief has a name- it’s known as the Gambler’s Fallacy and it is a product of players over-complicating games and the strategies that they use to try and beat the wheel. Rather than recognising and accepting the element of chance that pervades roulette, many players spend their time fixating on the notion that it is possible to identify trends and predict the outcome of a random wheel spin.

Are there Trends and Number Patterns in Roulette?

So, let’s go back to the original question: are there trends or number patterns present during a game of roulette? Lots of systems, like the Even Double Dozen Combo feature them. The short answer is yes, although this does not mean that these are actionable trends that can help you to predict the outcome of the next spin of a wheel. Roulette wheel manufacturers like TSC John Huxley go to great lengths to make sure that there wheels perform randomly. They even have in rim sensors to check that they are performing randomly.

However, there are patterns that may emerge if you look at tthe results of a number of roulette spins over a length of time. If you were to spin a standard roulette wheel 10 times, you might expect to see a similar number of red results as black results. You might not for 10 spins, as it is quite a small sample. If you spun the wheel 100 times, you might be more confident of a 50/50 distribution (or at least a 48.7/48.7 % one- remember there’s a green zero pocket in roulette – well, 2 zero pockets in American Roulette games actually, and then we are talking a 47.4/47.4% distribution). If you sat at the roulette table for 1000 spins, you might be more confident still.

In short, if you spin the wheel enough times there is a chance that you will be able to decipher a pattern or trend that makes numerical sense. It’s just a matter of statistical variation.

So Where’s The Problem?

The problem is this. In roulette, you don’t bet on what is going to happen over 10, 100 or 1000 spins (I wish you could). You bet on what is going to happen over 1 spin. The next spin coming up in fact. And no matter what patterns you think are emerging for historical bets, where the ball is going to land on the next spin bears no relation to it. That next spin is a mutually exclusive even which only depends on how fast the croupier spins the wheel, when he releases the ball, the friction of the whell, etc etc. You can’t predict future individual events based on past results. You can make an educated guesss as to what is going to happen over the next 10, 100 or 1000 spins. But you can’t bet on that (not at a standard roulette casino anyway).

Biased Wheels

If the wheel you are playing on is not perfect, then there may be sectors that the ball land in more often than others. The problem is identifying these biased roulette wheels, and once you have identified them, identifying their hot zones. This is very hard, as the imperfections may be tiny and there are so many variables at play. Yu are not going to find any biased wheel playing video roulette, as they are all programmed to be perfect wheels, but you might I suppose if you were playing on a real wheel online – it´s pretty hard to spot a biased wheel over a webcam though!

Roulette How To Predict Where The Ball Will Land Cruiser

And Finally

The gamblers fallacy can sound the death knell for even skilled players, so it is far better to adopt a simple approach when gambling. Don’t get sucked in to an overly complex and convoluted roulette strategy, as this will cloud your thinking and ultimately cause you to lose money. Understand the random element of chance that defines roulette. Try and cut short your losses and extend your winning streaks and try and quit while your ahead. And if you can’t do that, then make sure you quit the table when you have hit your stop loss.